


Well, what a tumultuous ride this has been. Taking on the production of a magazine with a readership over 10,000 strong in the time of COVID-19 has been a challenge no doubt, but it has also been a great pleasure. At least, that’s what I try to remind myself of during the late nights and phone hook-ups.

So why re-launch a magazine now? What a time for aviation. While much of the world’s commercial fleet is grounded, so many of us are itching to be back in the sky. Some of us are already there. Recreational Aviation may well be the one shining light in the aviation sky for the next little while. Far from being our darkest time, perhaps this can be our finest hour. After all, our future is bright indeed. Recreational Aviation has turned itself from being the home of light aircraft into being the cradle of the next generation of pilots. So many future commercial and airline pilots are getting their start in RAAus aircraft right now. The ability to fly and maintain an aircraft economically is more important than ever and that is exactly what the RAAus category does. The potential weight increase discussed in this edition points the way to a broader fleet with greater capabilities. There’s exciting times ahead and we look forward to bringing you the news as it happens.

While we relaunch the magazine, we are also addressing the increased need for information in the digital space, to make sure you check in to the SportPilot section of the RAAus website regularly and subscribe to the social media channels for all the latest updates and info.

Thanks for reading SportPilot. We write it for you, so let us know what you’d like to see in future editions.