


Not literally. But it seems that a whole lot has happened in this last quarter of 2023. We had the 40th Anniversary Gala for RAAus, which members of the SportPilot team were fortunate enough to attend. What a great night it was. Then the news drops about the proposed MOSAIC changes to Light Sport Aircraft in the US, which is bound to echo here. At almost the same time CASA announced they were getting serious about looking at controlled airspace access for light sport aircraft in Australia, and they’ve also started to look at medicals again. In between all that, I somehow managed to fly solo all the way across the country and back again – which you can read about in this issue. Phew. It’s been a lot to take in. But I have to say, after the whole COVID/inertia killing thing, we seem to be gaining momentum again. And, not before time. I’d love to see some of these things happen while I’m still capable of flying an aircraft. I’m going to predict that the next few years will be the most exciting time for our aviation segment. We are maturing into our proper place, where private and recreational pilots can fly and enjoy their aircraft without the sorts of control and regulation that quite rightly belong in the commercial airspace. With the end of year approaching, we present to you a bumper edition covering all of these topics. We wish you and yours all the best for the new year. I hope to see you in the air!