


When you read this issue, you will find there’s a lot going on right now. Like a graceful swan, we are moving across the water serenely, while paddling like hell underneath. Maybe not that serenely. The Avalon Airshow has literally flown in and out again, leaving a pastiche of images of great things happening in the RAAus airspace which you can learn about in Tom Lyons’ piece. There were a lot of interesting aircraft in the RA form standing right next to the VH aircraft. I spent several days at the Airshow talking to pilots, members and aircraft agents. I think this is the Airshow at which we saw RA aircraft treated as an integral part of the GA community and no longer a fringe element. That was reflected in the location of the RA Aircraft on the walk-in from the main gate. It sorta worked, but there’s room for improvement. And don’t get me started on the traffic management. But none of that diminishes the fact that RA has risen in its perception by the aviation community.

Between the ordinary summer we had down south and all the shows and events, I’ve barely managed to get into the air this year – my feet are getting restless for some travel. As we move into autumn and the flying weather can get patchy, my thoughts start to turn north for flying experiences. Right now, I have a route mapped to take me from Australia’s easternmost point to our westernmost airfield – right through the middle, including a stop at Uluru. It’s looking like a nice complementary trip to my journey to Australia’s northernmost airfield which you might have read about a couple of issues ago. This time I will post as I go along on the SportPilot Facebook page. So, if you haven’t done so already, follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date with that and other adventures.

As always, we are grateful to members who write in with letters, stories and articles, story suggestions and especially pictures, so keep them coming!