


Well, here we are again at the end of another year and heading in to what for us in the south of Australia is our peak flying season. To say it’s been a bad weather year is a gross understatement. I’m sure that’s impacted everyone’s ability to get in the air. It has made me a much better reader of weather reports. It has also made me appreciate the wonderful new apps and technologies we can use for weather planning. So much so, that expect an article on how to get the best out of the new weather technologies soon.

I took a deep dive in to ADS-B later in this edition and I encourage you all to get onboard the ADS-B subsidy while it’s still on and available. This edition is packed with good ideas to make your flying fun and safe, so enjoy. A big shout out to the many manufacturers and suppliers who have supported us this year and who help us make this magazine possible.

I don’t know about you, but I’m planning the early part of next year around the Avalon Airshow. This will be the first one since before Covid and a lot of us are well and truly ready. RAAus will be there along with SportPilot, so come and see us and have a chat. We’d love to meet you in person and hear your stories. Speaking of which, following on from the great feedback from my last adventure (All The Way Up, SportPIlot 103) I am planning another big journey – maybe all the way across? We’d love to hear your suggestions for adventure flights and even better, to publish your stories of flying. Send your ideas and stories to

I’ll see you up there!